global financial crisis

1105 days ago

Video: Leverage will Create the Largest Global Financial Crisis in History

Asset manager David Hunter does not mince his words. Equities are in a late stage melt up but will then, he predicts, fall by 80% as we go from a global deflationary bust followed by an inflationary recovery cycle. We will see dollar weakness now followed by a big dollar rally during the bust.


2996 days ago

Banning Short Selling not Enough - Ban all selling of shares says Ben Dover

During every period of market nerves there are calls by the crooks and the fools to ban short selling. But does this go far enough. Back in 2009 after the last global financial crisis (which Gordon Brown managed to solve) Benjamin Dover took this matter to its logical conclusion and explained to the SEC why the answer was to ban share selling altogether. What a genius...Ben writes:
